Public Shows:
6/26 w/CNYJO
RIJF, Gibbs Street stage 7:30 & 9:30
7/5 w/ Peter, Paul, Tom, and Gandi
Peter Chwazik, Tom Killian , and Tom Brigandi
Carriage House Cafe - Ithaca NY
8:00 - 10:00pm $10/$5/$3
7/6 w/Salt City Jazz Collective
Syracuse Suds Factory, Syracuse NY
7/16 w/ Merrill Garrity Quartet
Matt Garrity, Peter Chwazik, and Tom Brigandi
Carrige House Cafe - Ithaca, NY
8:00 - 10:30 pm $10/$5/$3
8/3 w/Salt City Jazz Collective
Syracuse Suds Factory, Syracuse NY
8/13 w/Nick Ziobro
Old Forge, NY
New track for the film
759: Boy Scouts of Harlem "Camp Barton Blues"
Frank Campos (trp)
Hal Reynolds and Ryan Zawell (trb/trb and tuba)
Adam Ash (tenor)
Steve Reichlen (traps)
Merrill (trumpet/composer)